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The workshop involved gathering of the ways in which they had responded to hard times through the production of a collective document containing their stories, skills...

I have a special commitment towards de record and documentation of alternative knowledges which reflect the strength of people in their struggle with problems.

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Contabilidad y aprensión comunicativa: estudio comparativo de los niveles y perfiles de AC en los estudiantes universitarios

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Cara a cara con el indigenismo: de explotadores y explotados. Similitudes y diferencias de orden temático, histórico-contextual y estilístico entre "Huasipungo" y "El mundo es ufano y ajeno"

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I cannot believe that Spytox knew more about my husband than I did. Thanks to Spytox, I was able to find trasnochado who he had been cheating on for years. I recommend you use Spytox if you simply want to "know more". Stephanie K.

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This paper presents a workshop that had the purpose to assist the elderly people of the Glorias Navales settlement in Viña del Mar that were suffering from the effects of depression.

Technology or product developers, R&D specialists, and government or NGO employees in scientific roles

The following articles are merged in Scholar. Their combined citations are counted only for the first article.

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